My Latest Venture

I am still making and selling hand painted signs.  Yes, I ship (yes, it can get expensive).  I’ve also started a new business selling Color Street Nail Polish.  Click here to keep up with the latest news.

What is Color Street?

what is color street

How do they work?

A little like like stickers only they are removed with nail polish remover.

9 days

You can shop my catalog here.

Here is a little sample of our Holiday styles that were just released:


I would love to help you get some great nails.  I would love to help you get some great nails for FREE (if that interest you…and it doesn’t matter where you live, near or far).

Here is why I joined…I have a 4 year old daughter and she has no patients for drying time for nail polish.  Then I took a look at the company…it is ground floor.  There is an enormous opportunity here.


Please contact me if you have any questions or if you would like a free sample.  Email me at







Gearing up for Christmas

I’ve been working on signs again.

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I love how this one turned out.

 Yes, I sell these signs.  I am in the Austin, Texas area.  I am willing to ship within the U.S.  No I don’t “esty”…it is way too expensive.  If you are interested check out my Facebook page by clicking here.

Yes, I do take custom orders.


These aren’t my latest projects but they are what I did over Christmas.  Much easier and fun than I expected.  I made the “Believe” sign for my parent’s and the “Beloved” sign for a friend.


My friend finally hung it up and it’s super cute.

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I loved this one and I plan on making one for myself as soon as I get finished with some orders and a gift project I”m working on.

How I did it…well, the word for the Believe sign was an old fence my husband rescued off of a neighbor and the Beloved sign was some pallets that had been sitting in our yard.  I mixed up some chalk paint (NOT Chalkboard paint).  I used a recipe from pinterest that basically adds some plaster of paris and a little water to almost any paint.  What this does is makes the paint work for any surface. Click here for more info on Chalk paint.  I used the plaster of paris recipe and did my dinette…I’ll post pictures at the end of this..I love it!  I’m a little obsessed with the chalk paint right now. In any case, a quick coat of chalk paint (which I asked my husband to do as I was cooking and cleaning for a Christmas party).  I printed off the letters for the words I wanted to paint on (I’m not a super great painter) and then traced the letters onto the wood and hand painted the letters on with a small artist brush.

Here are some pictures….

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Now here are some pics of my dinette…I bought the table for $20 and it wasn’t even together.

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This one is the finished project although I should really take a nice staged photo.

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I know…I have a lot of color going on. That’s okay.  I chose an Indoor/outdoor fabric that is water resistant so I can hopefully clean it (kids!!)

Chestnut Praline Latte Review

I know y’all have been on he edge of your seats wanting to now if Starbuck’s new (1st new drink in years) is good. I’m a “gold card” member (that just means I drink too many fancy drinks) so I was sent a message that I could try it early. I’m not even going to go into how the email made it sound like it might be free.

I had to try it. My classic drink is the Carmel Maciatta, my holiday drink is the salted Carmel mocha, hold the mocha (for some reason their mocha seems gritty to me. Does anyone remember when they were offering to add protein to coffee…that was a long time ago) and sometimes just a vanilla latte.

I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t worth the almost $5. Too sweet!! Could they get any more sugar in this drink. It could be deadly to a diabetic! Granted I love the bitter with a chaser of sweet provided by the Maciatta.

There you have it. A Continue reading

Recycled School Desk

Finally, after having this in my garage or two years, I figured out what I wanted to do with it (helps that we are homeschooling this year and our boy needed a desk) and I did it.

Here’s the final product….






First, I sanded it down; all of it, the wood and metal parts.



Then spray painted the top surface with chalkboard paint.  I actually had purchased a can of  “paint on” chalkboard paint but ended up using the spray paint after the last project I did with my sister.  I wasn’t sure how the spray paint would do on the wood surface but it was pretty good.



Next step…cover up all the surfaces that I didn’t want sprayed red….You can see here how I used newspaper and Frog tape to cover up all my non-red surfaces.  I didn’t take too many pictures of the process.


And I sprayed it red.  I used Valspar spray paint +primer (combined in one product) from Lowes.  I’ve tried all the different spray paints and Valspar is my favorite by far.


After removing the paper and the Frog tape, I stained the wood seat and sealed it.

Then I chalked up the top surface by rubbing chalk all over the top then spraying it down with water and wiping it off.







I’ll have to take a picture of our little school area (it is pretty much setup just need to clean up a few messes around it.  My son is super excited about his new desk and homeschooling.  We will write him a sweet note for his first day of school.

Art Table

My sister and her artist friend made one of these for her daughter’s room a few year.  I loved it.  Later, one of my neighbors was selling a small coffee table at a yard sale for $7.  What a deal.  I snatched it up and here was our project.


My sister took some of the pictures on her phone.

Here are the steps.

1. We sanded the table down.

2. Spray painted chalkboard paint onto the top.

3. painted a teal base coat onto the rest of the table.

3.  We let it dry.

4. We taped off the top of the table.

5. We spray painted a pale pink onto the outside of the table.  We didn’t worry about over spray on the inside of the legs.

6.  We let it dry.


7. After that dried we painted, with cheap acrylic paint, a metallic gold on the sides of table.

8. We let that dry.  (I promise we did this table in only 3 days).

9.  we hand painted leopard print onto the sides of the table in hot pink.

10.  We let it dry.

11. We roughed it up by lightly sanding it.




12.  We chalked up the entire top, sprayed it down with water and allowed it to dry.



I haven’t put her art supplies on the table yet and this is the best picture I could get while holding a 16 month old.  Looks cute in her room.





Our Vintage Circus

We celebrated our girl’s 1st Birthday this past weekend.  I have a few pictures but not many because I temporarily lost my phone.  So here goes….



We kept the menu simple:  Popcorn (bags found at Hobby Lobby), cupcakes (homemade), hotdogs and a mini candy bar.  Water, Raspberry Lemonade (raspberry gingerale and frozen pink lemonade) and sweet ice tea.





The kids ended up “self-monitoring” this game.   Just cans covered with contact paper or crafting paper.





This was actually outside on it’s own table but I didn’t get a good picture of it.  Mostly spaghetti jars and pickle jars that have been “dolled up”.




There are the birthday girls and the Hubs grilling hotdogs.


I have another picture of the porch ceiling but I am having some issues uploading my photos.  Sigh.